en passant

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


en passant

  1. syönti, lyönti, ohestalyönti.

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sivumennen sanoen In passing; incidentally; by the way.
puhekieltä Describing a special kind of pawn capture, whereby a pawn captures an opposing pawn immediately after it has moved forward two squares from its initial position as if it had moved only one square; the opposing pawn is captured "in passing through" the usual square from where it would ordinarily be liable to be captured.
puhekieltä A move in which a pawn captures an opposing pawn on the same rank immediately after the latter moved two squares from its initial position as if it had moved only one square.
puhekieltä (l)
in passing; incidentally, by the way
puhekieltä English en passant


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